New “Mini - Ministry of Emergency Situations” Subdivision Will be Added to the Structure of the Ministry of Defense

New “Mini - Ministry of Emergency Situations” Subdivision Will be Added to the Structure of the Ministry of Defense

27 августа 2014, 16:13    523

2014-08-27 16:13:02

Following the instruction of Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, a new highly mobile subdivision will be added to the ministry’s structure in order to increase efficiency of elimination of emergencies. 

According to the deputy head of the ministry Dmitry Bulgakov, newly formed personnel of the 100th regiment can be easily sent to any territory within Russia where factors like fire, flood or industrial disaster have caused an emergency.

Alexander Perendzhiev, expert of Military Political Analysts Association recalls that during the Soviet period, the Soviet Ministry of Defense had a number of units devoted to emergency situations management and evacuation procedures. Additionally, Soviet school students took educational classes on "Civil defense and emergency situations."

The idea of creating an emergencies division affiliated with the Ministry of Defense was in development for a long time, and Sergei Shoigu’s initiative to create a"mini - Ministry of Emergency Situations" within the military structure is understandable, concluded the expert.


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