Federal Security Service Announced a 28.7 Million Rubles Tender for the Supply of Border Control Equipment

Federal Security Service Announced a 28.7 Million Rubles Tender for the Supply of Border Control Equipment

27 августа 2014, 16:06    442

2014-08-27 16:06:06

Federal Security Service plans to spend more than 28 million rubles for the purchase of border control equipment in the nearest future. Corresponding electronic auction was posted on the official state procurement portal by military unit 55056.

Most of the funds will be spent on purchasing 31 quick-mounting "Radium-BRK" complexes. The complex consists of a receiver, a power supply unit and a number of sending boxes. Each complex can be used to deploy a temporary outpost line of up to 2 kilometers maximum length. According to estimates of the Federal Security Service, 31 complexes will cost nearly 26 million rubles.

The second part of the procurement includes 88 signaling "Graphite" devices, which will cost the service approximately 2.3 million rubles.

A relatively modest part of the tender (442 thousand rubles) concerns the purchase of 21 "Radium-2" annunciator devices.

The procurement is carried out as part of the Defense Procurement Program. All equipment must be delivered to the customer until February 15, 2015. Auctioning is scheduled for September 22, 2014.


Источник: zakupki.gov.ru

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