347 Million Rubles Will Be Spent on the Creation of Rescue Centers in the Arctic Region

347 Million Rubles Will Be Spent on the Creation of Rescue Centers in the Arctic Region

30 декабря 2014, 10:25    406

2014-12-30 10:25:33

The amount of funding allocated for the construction of specialized rescue centers in the Arctic region of Russia will be increased to 347 million rubles. A corresponding decree was issued on December 26. This information was published on the Government website.

The newly designated funding was obtained through the reallocation of funds previously allocated for the various activities under the state program "Protection of population and territories from emergency situations, provision of fire safety services and provision of safety on water bodies." As reported by the Government, the works on the implementation of the program are prioritized and must be completed before the deadline. In order to achieve that, additional funding is being attracted.

This measure is aimed at improving the efficiency of the state system of emergency response and prevention. In particular, it is expected that recue services response times will be significantly improved.

Источник: government.ru

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