In sale the new fingerprint reader by Smartec

In sale the new fingerprint reader by Smartec

28 августа 2013, 14:42    789

2013-08-28 14:42:22

A new biometric device for access control systems Smartec - ST-FR030EMW hit the market. Novelty is equipped with a card reader Em Marine, a high-precision optical fingerprint scanner, and is designed for contactless and biometric identification of staff.

ST-FR030EMW properly operates at the temperatures from -40 to +50, has a memory for 5,000 fingerprints and 10,000 RFID-cards, and is able to work both in conjunction with network access control, and independently.

New scanner reads "fingers" with the help of scanner glass prism; it needs not more than 1 second to recognize the fingerprint. Non-contact card identification is done through the use of RFID-reader. Moreover, to increase the security the reader is able to identify the person by two indicators at the same time - fingerprints and cards.


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