Russia will spend billions of rubles on fiber optic communication lines for the Navy

Russia will spend billions of rubles on fiber optic communication lines for the Navy

23 июня 2014, 09:08    408

2014-06-23 09:08:23

Several billion rubles will be needed to create a high-speed underwater communication system for the Navy by the year 2016. Defense Ministry plans to lay 16 to 20 thousand kilometers of reinforced fiber-optic cables in sea areas.

Cable backbones will connect shore-based Navy objects with the main network. Digital data will be transmitted over 16 channels (each channel will support bandwidth from 10 up to 100 Gbit/s). Thus, regular telephone and telegraph communication over the copper cables laid at this time under the water will be replaced with videoconferences.

The precise cost of the project is not yet calculated, but it is known that the budget has allocated 564 million rubles for design and experimental work alone. Taking into account the total length of lines with one kilometer of fiber optic cable cost of 300 thousand rubles, the price of the cable itself will be about 6 billion rubles. Moreover, a signal amplifier will be required for every 100 km of transmission lines, not to mention special coupling, power elements and other components. In addition, according to technical design specification documents, review of which was given by the "Izvestia" newspaper, the new cable grid will be equipped with above-water (and underwater) monitoring system, which will send a warning signal in case of a technical failure or an unauthorized connection. In addition, discussions for building a subsea fiber optic cable manufacturing plant are to be held during the main work process.


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