Co-founder of Milestone Systems Henrik Jacobsen talked about the "DNA of efficient companies" during All-over-IP Expo 2014

Co-founder of Milestone Systems Henrik Jacobsen talked about the "DNA of efficient companies" during All-over-IP Expo 2014

20 ноября 2014, 11:36    496

2014-11-20 11:36:29

During the 7th International Forum All-over-IP Expo 2014, which has opened today in Moscow, Henrik Friborg Jacobsen, Executive vice president, board of directors member, and co-founder of Milestone Systems, read a report "DNA of efficient companies: the covered road, lessons learned, vision of future" prepared especially for the event.

Jacobsen spoke on how Milestone Systems has evolved from novice status to the company operating in all segments of the market, on the difficulties that the company had to overcome, and on the company’s plans for the future.

"On the one hand, we wish to create our own product, while on the other – we want our product to be compatible with various other products. Now, Milestone can integrate with a variety of systems. We support up to 3,5 thousand camera models and the end user may choose a manufacturer to work with", - said the speaker. In order for this interaction to be successful, the company invests heavily in technical support, and works actively with partners to study the principles of working with large installations.

According to Jacobsen, a company should have two distinct segments - for major and medium-sized customer companies, which should have particular methods of work not only with clients, but also with sales channels.

All companies eventually face the same problem: how to remain innovative. In order to maintain leading positions, it is imperative to allocate investments efficiently, and it is generally easier to invest in those parts of the business that are already successful and profitable. "From the beginning, it is a good idea to invest in innovative products that could be not very profitable as of yet, but will bring benefits in 5-6 years", - concluded Jacobsen.

Источник: RUBEZH

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