Kyrgyzstan Adopts Law on Mandatory Installation of Video Cameras in Public Places

Kyrgyzstan Adopts Law on Mandatory Installation of Video Cameras in Public Places

19 декабря 2014, 10:32    389

2014-12-19 10:32:43

Draft law on mandatory installation of outdoor surveillance cameras in public places of cities Bishkek and Osh was passed during the meeting of Parliament on December 17.

A number of socially important facilities will have to install video surveillance cameras. Equipment will be installed in squares, markets, shopping centers, stores, educational and medical facilities, buildings of cultural importance, facilities involved in agricultural, industrial and other entrepreneurial activity; cameras will also be installed in residential, public and office buildings, parking lots and garage compounds.

Members of "Ata Meken" fraction took the initiative in proposing the adoption of the law. Deputies believe that video surveillance will improve public safety and reduce petty crime rates by 1.5-2 times.

In order to install cameras and use recordings as evidence of malpractice, owners of businesses will have to coordinate their actions with state authorities responsible for registering objects with outdoor video surveillance systems. After registration, private organizations should independently install systems of outdoor surveillance. Camera owners are obliged to notify citizens about video surveillance.


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