Water area of the Big Port in St. Petersburg will be equipped with the security system worth 180 million rubles

Water area of the Big Port in St. Petersburg will be equipped with the security system worth 180 million rubles

10 сентября 2013, 17:42    569

2013-09-10 17:42:11

Administration of the Big Port (Bolshoy Port) of St. Petersburg announced a tender for works on equipping the water area with an engineering equipment system and technical resources in order to ensure the safety of the port area. Within the framework of the project, the security system has to provide identification and prevention of illegal actions. Monitoring should be conducted around the clock, despite the unfavorable weather conditions.

Television and radar equipment must be able to identify both large vessels and smaller size high-speed boats. Furthermore, foreign objects located in the area have to be traced by the equipment. In cases of unauthorized trespassing of the water area, the new security system will provide capturing, tracking, and identification of objects. Information regarding unauthorized trespassing will be promptly transmitted to Rosmorrechflot, Rostransnadzor, and regional offices of the Federal Security System, the Interior Ministry, and the Emergency Ministry.

Video cameras should operate under temperatures ranging from minus 40 to plus 50 degrees Celsius and winds of up to 50 meters per second. The cost of the new security system is about 180 million rubles. All the works are to be completed within 8.5 months. The contractor will be announced on October 9.

Источник: http://ria.ru

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