Updated Warning System Installed in Smolensk

Updated Warning System Installed in Smolensk

21 июля 2014, 17:56    404

2014-07-21 17:56:59

A decision to launch the Integrated Public Emergency Warning System into commercial use was made On July 16 in Smolensk. Special commission on the system’s quality control and readiness for implementation and operation announced the approving decision. 

The new system includes six emergency warning zones with three zones covering chemically hazardous facilities. In addition, the system covers facilities working with fire, explosion dangerous and radioactive materials. The system also works on a hydraulic engineering facility, which may present the risk of flooding. Emergency warning zone covers the population in the vicinity of hazardous facilities on the territories of 2 urban districts and 9 settlements in 4 municipal formations of the region.

Источник: smolcity.ru

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