Unique Video Surveillance System Installed On "Formula 1" Track in Sochi

Unique Video Surveillance System Installed On "Formula 1" Track in Sochi

18 августа 2014, 09:01    367

2014-08-18 09:01:45

Sochiautodrom.ru reports that the installation process of a unique system of video surveillance is now complete. The system is based on the technology of real-time full HD video capture, which provides picture quality similar to television. 

The system consists of 48 CCTV cameras, which are located along the perimeter of the track; the devices are connected by fiber optic cable (150 kilometer length )and provide 360 degrees horizontal view and 180 degrees vertical view. This technology provides 32x zoom capacity. CCTV cameras can be controlled remotely from inside the building or in the field environment with the help of special equipment. Total archive volume is 40 TB and records can be stored for 7 days.

User-friendly interface of the system provides control of all cameras. In case of an incident, operator can choose a camera and watch a repeat. 

Race organizers emphasize the high-speed video camera installed at the finish, which is able to shoot at 10 000 frames per second. Thus, the process of the winner identification becomes absolutely unbiased.

Источник: sochiautodrom.ru

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