Unified State Exam Video Surveillance System Recorded More Than 200,000 Violations

Unified State Exam Video Surveillance System Recorded More Than 200,000 Violations

30 июня 2014, 09:10    486

2014-06-30 09:10:55

Unified State Exam video surveillance system revealed more than 203 thousand cases of possible rules violations during the exam’s main period, reports "Rostelecom". Government contract on broadcasting this year’s state exam procedures amounted to 600 million rubles. Thus, the state spent about 3000 rubles per each detection.

More than 36,000 classrooms across the country were equipped with cameras. Approximately 16,000 cameras broadcasted online. The system was able to provide video broadcasting for 1.2 million simultaneous viewers via the internet and allowed for 60,000 simultaneous views from one camera.

Five thousand observers accredited by Federal Education and Science Supervision Service followed the process of the exam. Approximately one thousand exam results were canceled due to violations. All information received from cameras is stored in datacenters of "Rostelecom" and Federal Education and Science Supervision Service.

As a reminder, we would like to point out that according to the government order, "Rostelecom" was the only company chosen for providing data networking services including video broadcasting via the Internet and collection and storage of recorded video during the Unified State Exam of 2014.

Источник: lenta.ru, m24.ru

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