Trade With China Can Reach $200 Billion Until 2020

Trade With China Can Reach $200 Billion Until 2020

01 июля 2014, 09:13    464

2014-07-01 09:13:52

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin expressed hopes that Russia and China can reach $200 billion in trade volume before 2020, reports RIA News. The politician spoke about the task set by leaders of both countries at the first "Russian-Chinese Expo" in Harbin.

In addition, it was reported that the volume of trade between Russia and China grew since January until May of this year by 1.8% compared to the same period in 2013, reports "Prime" referring to General Administration of Customs of China.

China's exports to Russia increased during the same period by 1.6% and amounted to 114.08 billion yuan ($18.55 billion), while imports from Russia increased by 2% and amounted to 111.89 billion yuan ($18.30 billion). China marked a net surplus in trade with Russia amounting to 2.19 billion yuan, which, incidentally, is less than 2% surplus in the period of January-May 2013.


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