Tomsk Scientists Developed New Autonomous Warning System

Tomsk Scientists Developed New Autonomous Warning System

01 августа 2014, 09:06    530

2014-08-01 09:06:57

Scientists from Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radio Electronics (TUSUR) developed a hardware and software complex that allows for establishing effective warning systems. New warning systems can alert to emergencies and inform citizens on the development of situations in any place, even in conditions of power supply deficit. 

In order to provide communications during an emergency, the following scenario is specified as part of the protocol related to the new complex: a vehicle from Federal Rescue Service Headquarters arrives at particular location and distributes special access points among operators of vehicles, tents, rescue boats and among individual rescue service squads. A single access point provides a 100-meter wireless connection zone and connects to other access points therefore creating a self-organizing network. 

The connection is made using a smartphone, laptop, or any other Wi-Fi-enabled device. Each Federal Rescue Service Headquarters responsible for organizing such networks will have a website for quick transfer of information: lists of missing or injured, audio and video messages, location of evacuation zones, etc. 

It is also reported that a mobile phone application is currently being developed. The “Address Book” application allows the user to register as a rescue service worker or as a person in need of help, it can also be used to make emergency calls, report location or to access Internet via special channel, says Alexander Kovtun, a Ph.D. of TUSUR Department of Integrated Information Security of Electronic Computing Systems. 

In case one of the access points is overloaded, the user will be redirected to another, or rescue service workers will be able to increase the number of access points at the expense of additional devices. 

The prototype network will be tested in the new building of TUSUR Faculty of Security.


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