Technoserv Finishes the Construction of Primary Call Center for System-112 in Novosibirsk

Technoserv Finishes the Construction of Primary Call Center for System-112 in Novosibirsk

15 октября 2014, 09:18    379

2014-10-15 09:18:46

"Technoserv" company announced the completion of the company’s part of the work in the erection of the primary Unified Emergency System-112 Call Center in the Novosibirsk Region. In addition, 65 455 million rubles were allocated for the construction of the system’s backup call center.

The primary call center will connect the Novosibirsk Region with the Emergency Services System. In total, "Technoserv" had spent 146 million rubles in the process of construction. Novosibirsk Region Major Construction Work Bureau became the ordering customer.

Denis Kurnosov, director of "Technoserv" branch in Novosibirsk, said that the work was carried out in several stages. The first stage - reconstruction of the building housing data and call centers. During this stage, the company installed new technical and engineering equipment in the building - conditioning and ventilation systems, fire suppression devices, backup power supply, structured cabling and LAN. Security system of the building was enhanced with video surveillance, access control, and fire alarm systems. 

According to Kurnosov, one of the important stages included the creation of a computing and network complex for the data center, and the creation of a hardware platform for the call center. The company also implemented a software and hardware complex for the facility. Communication platform equipment was provided by “Eltex” company, which has a production base on the territory of the region.

Novosibirsk already has fully equipped dispatcher workstations. System-112 equipment was installed in 22 unified dispatch services of municipal districts.

Regional Training Center of the Federal Firefighting Service and Civil Defence Training Center provide educational programs for dispatchers. Today, 39 specialists participate in training activities. 

Currently, System-112 in the Novosibirsk Region is set to trial operation mode.

Источник:, materials provided by “Technoserv”

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