State Duma Will Be Asked To Require Installation of Quality Surveillance Systems from Businesses

State Duma Will Be Asked To Require Installation of Quality Surveillance Systems from Businesses

09 сентября 2014, 09:14    538

2014-09-09 09:14:37

Jewish Autonomous Region Parliament intends to resolve issues on video surveillance on territory of various companies at the legislative level.

Vasily Oleynik, head of the Russian Interior Ministry in the region proposed to create corresponding document. According to him, high quality image from video surveillance cameras can significantly improve crime detection rates in the region. Currently, the majority of installed cameras does not meet the necessary requirements for image quality. In order to improve public security, Vasily Oleynik has made an appeal to the State Duma and proposed to require various organizations to install high-resolution video surveillance cameras.

Currently, the Russian regulatory system lacks a document that would regulate the requirements for the presence of video surveillance systems and their specifications on territory of organizations and enterprises. According to Pavel Vinnik, chairman of parliamentary committee on legislation and legal policy, in order to make installation of video systems mandatory, it is necessary to examine in detail all the technical standards and requirements for cameras, as well as go through possible responsibilities for those who will oppose the new requirement.



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