Security Systems Will Be Installed in All Mining Complexes of the Country

Security Systems Will Be Installed in All Mining Complexes of the Country

16 декабря 2014, 13:29    452

2014-12-16 13:29:44

Head of The Emergency Situations Ministry Vladimir Puchkov proposed to install security systems in mining complexes all over Russia.

The minister noted that discussed systems should be specific for each particular mine, since organizing safe environment for people is the first priority of the project.

Puchkov clarified that the ministry considers integrated security systems with ventilation and general control and monitoring equipment. All information will be available via the Internet - this will allow the National Center for Crisis Management of the Emergency Situations Ministry to monitor air condition and levels of methane and contaminants.

Despite the fact that a quarter of the coal mines in Russia were commissioned after 2000 and were equipped with modern equipment, coal mining facilities need a system of industrial safety control and labor protection.


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