"Safe City" Development Concept is Officially Approved

"Safe City" Development Concept is Officially Approved

15 декабря 2014, 11:50    491

2014-12-15 11:50:24

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed the order approving the construction and development concept of hardware-software complex "Safe City". The complex will improve the level of public security, law enforcement and environment safety. Russian Emergency Situations Ministry has prepared the text of the document under the instruction of the President of the Russian Federation. The order was published on December 11 and is currently available on the government website.

The concept provides for the implementation of a single systematic approach to integrated security by creating a complex information system of forecasting, monitoring and warning. Such system will increase safety at the community level and the environmental level.

RUBEZH magazine interviewed Sergei Timokhov, Commercial director of "SLOT", and asked his opinion on the approved concept. According to Timokhov, the document will affect the system positively: "I believe that the adoption of this regulation will have positive impact on the development of the "Safe City" concept in the Russian Federation. We constantly encounter the situation when the Russian province has no regulatory framework necessary for the "Safe City" concept.

According to the speaker, the government has approved a very useful document, which should have a positive effect on the development of regulatory framework for the creation and automation of government data systems. "Experts from municipal authorities and representatives of ministries will get some guidance on the construction of a modern conceptual model of hardware-software complex "Safe City" and "Safe Region". There will be some milestones, and it will be clear what should be done so that the system would be built on the principles of unified nationwide state regulations,"- said Timokhov.

"As I understand it, this is a concept document, which allows to construct "Safe City" systems properly, because customers often do not know what they want exactly, but the document has legal guidelines and principles on which such systems must be built," - sums up the speaker.

Источник: tass.ru

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