Russia's First Nano-Road Will Be Built In Moscow For 192 Million Rubles

Russia's First Nano-Road Will Be Built In Moscow For 192 Million Rubles

04 июля 2014, 08:42    425

2014-07-04 08:42:13

State Corporation Rosnanotech’s Innovative road with the length of 655 meters and width of 15-18,5 meters will be built in Severniy, a town in the Northeast capital district near the MIPT (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology) technopark.

Initially, the road was to be built along Pjatnitskaja street in the center of Moscow, and then - on Krasnodonskaya street in the South-East Administrative District (SEAD). However, Severniy was deemed optimal candidate for the experiment since any possible faults were relatively harmless compared to possible damage to the center of the metropolis.

The opening of the new road is scheduled for October 2015. The road will be equipped with LED markup and rumble strips. The lightning posts along the road will be equipped with video cameras and alarm buttons. In order to prevent road-accidents, cameras will calculate speed of fast-moving cars, this information will then be transferred to notification boards where a warning message will be displayed.

As for the actual nanotechnologies, it is known that asphalt with colloidal and nanodispersed polymeric components will be used in the course of construction. Stabilizing additives suggest that wearout period of materials will be increased by at least three times, however, experts doubt such estimations already. The latest news suggest that builders will use cellular fibro concrete (CFC) to reduce thickness of the road carpet.

Pavements will be covered with polymer tiles, more resistant to freezing and water. The pedestrian zone will be adapted for people with disabilities –tactile pointers will be installed, pedestrian underpasses will have ramps and elevators and traffic lights will have duplicate audio feedback and countdown.


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