Russian Defense Ministry considers the idea of establishing the system for conscripts' and military immediate identification

Russian Defense Ministry considers the idea of establishing the system for conscripts' and military immediate identification

03 сентября 2013, 16:56    695

2013-09-03 16:56:44

In the nearest future Russia can launch a unified database for conscripts and the military. The offer for the Defense Ministry was put forward by “Sonda Technology”, portfolio company “RVK” OJSC. The technology is called Sonda RTI, according to its developers it is a unique, second to none Russian product.

Sonda RTI is a system of immediate identification which is capable of identifying fingerprints by searching for the required sample in its specialized database. The system can be used via stationary PC, lap top, or a mobile terminal, which works through Wi-Fi and 3G. Sonda RTI can be synchronized with police identification systems.

The system has recently been successfully tested and is presently used by civil and military facilities in Tyumen and Chelyabinsk regions, the Republic of Sakha etc. The system is also used in the Republic of Guinea with the purpose of repeat vote (multiple attempts to vote coming from one individual0 avoidance. In the Ukraine the system combats attempts to obtain the second passport.

According to developers, Sonda RTI's utilization by Ministry of Defense facilities will positively influence the security level and the speed of decision-making.

Источник: material presented by “Sonda Technology”

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