Russian Customs Service Raises Licensing Fee in 2015

Russian Customs Service Raises Licensing Fee in 2015

15 сентября 2014, 09:13    384

2014-09-15 09:13:15

Beginning with January 1, 2015, Federal Service for Technical and Export Control raises the licensing fee for export and import activities. The draft law which was published on the official website includes changes in the tariff rates for exported and imported goods, services, information, and intellectual property rights specified by the FSTEC May 4, 2102 order №51. Full text of the document can be found on the official FSTEC website.

According to the new draft law, FSTEC sets the size of fees for public services provision: 

- General licensing - 7500 rubles

- Renewal of the license document, and (or) the annex document - 750 rubles 

- License renewal - 750 rubles

Previously, the fees accounted to 6000, 600 and 600 rubles respectively. 

The changes are being made in connection with this year’s July Russian Federation Tax Codex modifications in terms of verifying the state fees for licensing procedures.


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