Public Chamber Opens a Transport Security Hotline

Public Chamber Opens a Transport Security Hotline

23 сентября 2014, 09:03    316

2014-09-23 09:03:54

The Public Chamber of the Russian Federation opens a hotline on transport security. The line will work within the “Bez B” project, which is aimed at improving security for all modes of transport and safety of crowded places.

According to the Public Chamber press service, anyone will be able to report missing bus stops, road signs and road markings, poor lighting and bad quality of asphalt, report reckless drivers and other difficulties encountered on the road. Anyone can call the 8-800-700-8-800 hotline from 9:00 to 19:00 (Moscow Time) free on the territory of Russia. Public Chamber specialists will direct requests to the relevant ministries, and if necessary, to the police. 

This autumn, the Public Chamber will hold a hearing with representatives of specialized agencies, following which the officials will prepare a report on the situation with transport security. 

Dmitry Chugunov, initiator of the project and a member of the Public Chamber, said that the main goal of the hotline is to comprehensively assess the situation with transport security: "the Inter-commission project “Bez B” represents a new format of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, and aims to consolidate the forces of different directions and highlight a wide range of issues related to safety on the road. Every case, no matter whether it is a hole in the asphalt or a reckless bus driver moving with the speed of 140 km/h will not go unnoticed. Everyone who has any information on violations can call the number and report their problem as we take all necessary measures to solve it."


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