Private Military and Security Companies May Appear in Russia

Private Military and Security Companies May Appear in Russia

27 октября 2014, 17:59    483

2014-10-27 17:59:06

Licenses Issued by the Federal Security Service of Russia will allow private military and security companies provide services for individuals and legal entities, as well as for the state. The corresponding draft law was introduced on the initiative of deputy Gennady Nosovko.

The document was designed with an eye on global experience, in particular on the experience of the United States where such companies operate quite successfully. In Nosovko’s opinion, the law is useful due to the fact that such organization not only earn large sums of money, but also actively prove themselves in the political arena. Various PMCs carried out their activities in the Middle East and Ukraine. 

Nosovko stated that Russia should have its own private security companies which will employ former military and will provide security services not only for residents of the Russian Federation, but also for foreigners. It is stressed that mercenaries are out of the question. 

If the bill is passed, then similar organizations registered in other countries will be able to operate on the territory of Russia but in strict compliance with the law. 

The document is intended to regulate activities of private military and security companies, provide social protection for employees and regulate their rights and prohibitions. 

The list of services provided by PMCs is rather lengthy: mine neutralization, military conflict management outside of Russia, armed escort of ships, protection of commercial vessels, high-ranking officials, government agencies and military facilities, and other services. 

PMCs will provide services of military interpreters, train security personnel, consult on trade issues and assess security systems of different facilities. 

Government overthrowing, encroaching on the territorial integrity of states, seizing of territory and unlicensed arms sale is forbidden.

A fully capable citizen of the Russian Federation or a legal entity may act as a founding shareholder. 

A huge number of such organizations currently functions in the world. Military security companies increasingly become private, 110 countries have officially allowed the creation and existence of such structures. The total number of people working in PMCs is estimated to be approximately 5 million. In 2012, their income for provided services has amounted to 350 million dollars, a sum exceeding the total budget of Russia.


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