Operational control center of law and order launched in Sochi

Operational control center of law and order launched in Sochi

28 августа 2013, 12:25    658

2013-08-28 12:25:49

On the threshold of Sochi Olympics, in the capital of the main sport events of the last four years the Operational control center of law and order has been built up. Building lase\ted for 3 years. This center began to work on the 19th of August with assent of the Ministry of Regional Development.

The Center’s responsibilities include monitoring and managing the security systems deployed in the course of preparation for the major event. According to "Interfax”, the approaches and views meeting the requirements of safety at the international events were put into this project; these requirements are which established by the International Olympic Committee.

According to RosSvyaz, the center implemented solutions based on the use of modern information technology. This is caused by the need of conducting the multifactor analysis of the situation and managing the multi-level security system. Technology on this facility allows its employees, who are the members of the law enforcement agencies and the special services, to carry out the real-time receiving, processing and analysis of diverse information on the safety of the Olympic Games and regional territory as a whole.

Moreover, the technological equipment of the Center gives the opportunity to the staff members to take and control the implementation of management decisions promptly.

Источник: http://rus.ruvr.ru

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