Non-commercial partnership GLONASS could be privatized

Non-commercial partnership GLONASS could be privatized

06 июня 2014, 18:08    385

2014-06-06 18:08:40

The government is considering an opportunity to reincorporate the non-commercial partnership GLONASS as a joint-stock company. The company will be rendering its services based on the ERA-GLONASS system according to “Kommersant” newspaper. According to the media source, the state is going to become the key owner of the company, while the minority stake will be offered to the partnership members, among whom are the so-called “Big Three” members, as well as Yandex and Rostelecom corporations.

“Kommersant” states that this topic has been discussed within the framework of the meeting with the Head of the Administration of the president of the Russian Federation – Mr Sergey Ivanov. 

At the meeting the Russian Ministry of Transportation suggested commercializing the ERA-GLONASS infrastructure by establishing the new ERA-GLONASS operator in the format of a private-state partnership. The new joint stock company is going to be organized under the auspices of the non-commercial partnership GLONASS with further increase of the number of stakeholders due to implementation of its additional mission. The meeting resulted in the instruction to the government to develop a strategy for ERA-GLONASS, which is later to be disclosed to the president.

Let us remind you that ERA-GLONASS is an automated emergency response system, which allows to provide rapid assistance in the event of accidents, automatically transmit location and accident circumstances details to 112 service and the emergency services. As a result, the time of giving first aid to accident victims is shortened by 30%. It is proposed to equip all new cars with ERA-GLONASS devices starting from 2017.  


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