New Technical Regulations Require To Install Cameras Along High-Speed Train Routes

New Technical Regulations Require To Install Cameras Along High-Speed Train Routes

04 августа 2014, 08:56    408

2014-08-04 08:56:05

Three new technical regulations of the Customs Union will come into force on August 2. New regulations tighten the rules of high-speed (200 km/h and faster) railroad transport operation, and the rules of train cars components certification.

The document requires installation of cameras on all parts of train routes, where people, wild or domestic animals may cross the railroad. 

The regulations require that no public or private transport routes should interfere with high-speed train routes. 

Manufacturers are required to equip train cars, especially leading ones, with special systems that will monitor the situation on the road and the state of train itself in order to avoid emergencies. In the event of collision with an obstacle or in case of derailment, train cars should be equipped with crash systems that will provide maximum protection for passengers and entire train. 

The authors of the document paid special attention to characteristics of high-speed railroad transport. The document prescribes certain limitations to the values of temperature inside compartments, values of noise, lighting, vibration, air conditioning, ventilation, etc. The documents also states requirements for high-speed trains’ infrastructure. 

According to the requirements, almost every single component of a train car should bear labels of its manufacturer. Developers of specialized software for high-speed train control must guarantee stable performance of their packages in a variety of emergency scenarios, as well as protection against viruses and unauthorized access.


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