The New Law Simplifies Government Procurement for the Security Industry

The New Law Simplifies Government Procurement for the Security Industry

10 июня 2014, 17:07    447

2014-06-10 17:07:19

President of Russia signed a new law, which introduces a number of changes into Federal Law-44 “About the contract system in the sphere of procurement of goods, works and services for the supply of state and municipal needs”. The law was passed by the State Duma on May 23 and enacted by the Federation Council on May 28, according to the official Kremlin website. The reference materials state that the law introduces a number of changes into the Federal law with the goal of improving it. Experts believe that the new law can promote procurements in the sphere of technical security equipment. 

The law defines peculiarities of procurement for clients, whose business is located on the territory of a foreign country. According to reference materials, procurement from a sole supplier (contractor, executive) will be simplified. Thus, the law provides an opportunity for small scale procurements from a sole supplier (up to 2 million RUR or 5% of cumulative annual output, but not less than 50 million RUR). 

In individual cases the law allows avoiding authorizing reference of impossibility or inexpedience of other methods of supplier appointment (except for procurements from a sole supplier (contractor, executive), as well as the price or any other essential conditions of the contract. The law widens the range of cases when procurements from a sole supplier (contractor, executive) are possible.

In particular, procurement from a sole supplier is possible in cases when educational organizations, which are acting in accordance with the educational legislation and are recognized by the state as federal or regional innovative platforms, sign contracts for supply of equipment and software, which are necessary for the implementation of scientific solutions and intellectual work results. This kind of contract can be signed with an exclusive owner of such equipment and software out of the funds for educational innovative infrastructure development. 

RUBEZH magazine interviewed a procurement expert, Ms Margarita Kurchanova, and asked her a question on how the law would influence procurement in the sphere of security systems. According to the expert, the changes that are being introduced are extremely useful. The document specifies definition of annual procurement output, as well as the definition of procurement from small enterprises. A lot of attention is given to introduction of changes regarding procurement from a sole supplier. This kind of procurement is typical for tenders on security systems supply, due to the fact that many devices and products can be supplied by certain companies only. First of all, the law simplifies the procurement procedure and it substantiation, secondly, it provides for an opportunity of a small procurement from a sole supplier, which, again, simplifies the process of supplier choice, because the client can work with the same supplier again.


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