New Law Allows To Beat In-Flight Brawlers For The Sake Of Passenger Safety

New Law Allows To Beat In-Flight Brawlers For The Sake Of Passenger Safety

08 июля 2014, 09:14    359

2014-07-08 09:14:44

During the national conference on aviation security at the Kazan International Airport, Vladimir Chertok, deputy head of Rostransnadzor (Federal Transportation Inspection Service), described new legislation on the problem.

According to Chertok, application of physical force towards unruly passengers is no longer considered an infringement of law, since it contributes to flight safety. Appropriate changes were made to decision authorities of crew and passengers.

In addition, the law filled the gaps in the part where troublemakers were to be punished by a corresponding state as an owner of the aircraft, and by a country in which the plane landed. Earlier such sanctions were not possible, and many in-flight brawlers avoided liability for their disorderly conduct on board if a landing country’s legislation did not cover such offence.

In 2015, another important rule will be introduced: international commission, which oversees air transport safety, will no longer need a special invitation to any airport since the commission will constantly monitor the situation. 

Vladimir Chertok said that 543 threats were registered in Russia in 2013, along with 60 acts of unlawful interference resulting in the deaths of 37 people and 95 cases of serious injuries. As a result, more than three thousand legal entities were prosecuted, 3200 regulations on transport security were issued and more than 20 million of punitive sanctions were imposed.


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