New Analogue Video Camera RVi С320 (3.6mm) Comes to the Market

New Analogue Video Camera RVi С320 (3.6mm) Comes to the Market

17 июня 2014, 13:32    433

2014-06-17 13:32:46

RVi Group company informs about the arrival of the new analogue dome surveillance video camera RVi-С320 (3.6mm) at the market. The new development is equipped with the newest hardware components, which allow to significantly increase the effectiveness of video surveillance system. The new dome video camera RVi has a lens with 3.6 mm focal distance and is designed to solve indoor video surveillance tasks. 

The video camera is equipped with a 1.3 megapixel photoactive sensor with 1280 х 960 effective pixels. It permits definition up to 800 TVL.   This analogue camera can provide maximum possible detailed image and possesses high parameters of color rendering and white balance. RVi-С320 (3.6mm) can boast compact design and convenient system of angle adjustment in three dimensions. This model replaced RVi-27NEW model. The new development is suitable for low-cost, but effective analogue video surveillance systems. 

Ms Vasilisa Kolos, marketing specialist of RVi Group tells RUBEZH magazine that the new analogue video camera RVi-С320 (3.6mm) has already hit the stores. Its retail price is 2200 RUR and the wholesale price is 2000 RUR.

Источник: RVi Group

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