Moscow Ticket Inspectors Will Wear Digital Video Recorders

Moscow Ticket Inspectors Will Wear Digital Video Recorders

24 сентября 2014, 09:00    401

2014-09-24 09:00:27

Moscow Ticket Inspectors will use DVRs attached to the uniform, reports with reference to the press service of state public institution “Transportation organizer”. The city plans to purchase 500 devices. The equipment will help protect ticket inspectors from aggressive fare evading passengers, and citizens - from improper behavior of inspectors. 

The recorders will be compact, not bigger than 10 cm in length and width. The main requirement for the device is comfortable and secure attachment to clothing. 

State public institution “Transportation organizer” preferred DVRs over video cameras since those devices are smaller and can resist damage better in case of falling. Each DVR must have 15 hours of minimum recording time capacity. According to, 500 DVRs and 1500 SD cards will cost the budget approximately 12 million rubles. 

A similar project has already started in Saratov where DVRs are used in buses. Today in Moscow, there are 341 ticket inspectors working in road public transport and 216 in the Moscow Metro. During the first half of the year, the sum of collected fines amounted to 157 million rubles. In addition, ticket inspectors will soon receive new designer uniform.


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