Moscow Metro Announces a 3 Billion Rubles Tender for the Creation of Intelligent Video Surveillance System

Moscow Metro Announces a 3 Billion Rubles Tender for the Creation of Intelligent Video Surveillance System

05 декабря 2014, 11:14    381

2014-12-05 11:14:08

On December 3, state unitary enterprise "Moscow Metro" has announced a tender worth more than 3 billion rubles. The tender involves construction, installation and testing of equipment as part of the first phase of creation of the intelligent video surveillance system for categorized Moscow Metro facilities.

The purpose of conducted work

Enhancing the stability and safety of Moscow Metro transport infrastructure, protection of interests of passengers and staff against acts of unlawful interference, including those of terrorist nature, as well as protection from technogenic and natural emergency situations.

Turnaround time

No more than 330 calendar days from the date of contract. Equipment must be delivered within 90 days from the date of contract signing.

Stage 1 of the "Intelligent video surveillance system for categorized Moscow Metro facilities" includes the following:

  • Equipping Moscow Metro stations (188 pcs) with technical means of intelligent video surveillance system in order to monitor the perimeter of transport infrastructure facilities - entrance halls (289 pcs).
  • Accommodation of Automated Workplaces (AW) in transport security outposts of subway stations and in the Situation Center (SC).
  • Creation of commutation on stations for the collection of video information coming from controlled territory.
  • Construction of the main data processing center (DPC-1) on the territory of electrodepot "Pechatniki".
  • All technical equipment must be provided with power supply of grade 1 power reliability from two independent power sources.

The "Intelligent video surveillance system for categorized Moscow Metro facilities (Phase 1)" must perform the following tasks:

1. General video surveillance in entrance halls;

2. Situational video analytics with automatic detection of abnormal situations:

  • unauthorized restricted area trespassing;
  • crowding;
  • wrong movement direction, including movement against the main flow of passengers;
  • fast movement (running);
  • abandoned objects;

3. Analysis of data exchange within the framework of Automated Control System communication lines (ACS) of Moscow Metro (Phase 1), including the following:

  • monitoring of information exchange between the components of ACS in order to detect unauthorized data exchange;
  • detection of connections and activity of third-party network devices;
  • detection of abnormal shutdowns of security devices.

4. Automatic detection and display of alarm situation location by the results of situational analytics:

  • on metro plan in AW;
  • on station plan in AW;
  • in the event log of the system;

5. Archiving and storage of at least 1 month (30 days) of video and event information recorded by the system, in accordance with the provisions of the Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation № 130 from 29.04.2011.

6. Formation of emergency situations archive with search by the following criteria:

  • type of situation;
  • time interval;
  • station;
  • camera;

7. Transmission of video data and other information about recorded events to the Situation Center (SC), located in the engineering building of SUE "Moscow Metro", to the control center of transport security, located in electrodepot "Mitino", and to the Unified Data Storage Center of Moscow Government.

8. The possibility of comparing general video surveillance and situational analytics data in order to detect and identify participants of incidents.

9. Automatic preparation of reports on passenger statistics:

  • passenger number graphs;
  • passengers waiting graphs;
  • maps of passenger delay probability in given areas (i.e. ticket halls, in front of escalators);
  • maps of typical passenger movement.

Architecture of the "Intelligent video surveillance system for categorized Moscow Metro facilities (Phase 1)" should provide for further expansion of functions in order to address the following tasks of biometric analytics:

  • automatic face image capturing with quality suitable for automatic biometric identification;
  • automatic detection and photographing of fare jumpers;
  • search in the database of all stored images of individuals;
  • face recognition of individuals passing through checkpoints, automatic identification of persons included in the list of offenders and other lists;
  • transmission of alarm signals triggered by the detection of persons included in the list of offenders;
  • prognosis based on the time of detection and the movement trajectory of a detected person;
  • transmission of alarm signals or other information to mobile terminals of patrol services;
  • ability to use mobile terminals for revising the list of suspicious persons detected by the system.

Tender applications will be accepted until 24.12.2014 10:00 Moscow time. Results will be announced on 29.12.2014 at 23:59 Moscow time.


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