More Than 12 Thousand Cameras To Be Installed in St. Petersburg Before 2017

More Than 12 Thousand Cameras To Be Installed in St. Petersburg Before 2017

25 декабря 2014, 10:51    311

2014-12-25 10:51:54

St. Petersburg public contracts committee announced two tenders for the provision of services ensuring transmission of video data from cameras to the data storage and processing center of the automated security information system of St. Petersburg. Two tenders cover cameras located in Kurortny, Kalinin, Frunze, Vyborg and Krasnogvardeisky districts. The total cost of tenders amounted to 1 236 656 700,00 rubles. In total, more than 12 thousand cameras will be installed in the northern capital before 2017. 

A contractor is required to ensure stable video feed from cameras and real time video data transmission from surveillance objects to the data storage and processing center.

As part of these tenders, cameras of three types will be installed in the city:

  • cameras providing overview of street sections in front of residential buildings,
  • cameras providing overview of territory adjacent to buildings and precinct entrances or exits,
  • cameras providing overview of crowded places confined by obstacles of houses (buildings, engineering structures, decorations).

The total number of cameras installed in Krasnogvardeisky and Vyborg districts of St. Petersburg will reach 5488, in Kurortny, Kalinin, Frunze - 6714 pieces of equipment.

End of services is scheduled for 31.12.2017. Applications are accepted until January 15, 2015. Auction date - January 22.


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