Ministry of Economic Development Tightens Access Control Measures

Ministry of Economic Development Tightens Access Control Measures

18 сентября 2014, 09:14    397

2014-09-18 09:14:54

Ministry of Economic Development created a list of requirements for anti-terrorist protection measures of the ministry’s facilities. A corresponding resolution project was published on the official information disclosure website. 

The document defines the main types of terrorist threats that are most credible for The Ministry of Economic Development, establishes requirements for the safety of departmental buildings. In addition, the authors of the project determine the order of development, content and form of security certificates for the ministry’s facilities.

The new regulation also defines organizational, engineering and other measures designed for protection of the ministry’s facilities and for prevention of terrorist acts. In addition, the project describes the following security measures: 

  • Development of legal acts regulating security measures, access mode, etc. 
  • Security organization and establishment of access control admission, preventing trespassing and terrorist act attempts
  • Availability and complete functionality of technical security equipment 
  • Coordination of management personnel, law enforcement and executive authorities in the course of anti-terrorist activities
  • Exclusion of unauthorized access to the documents (information) on counter-terrorism security 

• All-time readiness to use necessary force and resources intended for anti-terrorist activities 

The authors also define the following: 

The three levels of a terrorist act risk

Level 1 - more than three committed and (or) prevented terrorist acts against a categorized facility or a similar object on the territory of the Russian Federation 

Level 2 - one to three committed and (or) prevented terrorist acts against a categorized facility or a similar object on the territory of the Russian Federation

Level 3 – no history of committed and (or) prevented terrorist acts against a categorized facility or a similar object on the territory of the Russian Federation

The categories of facilities by the number of personnel 

  • Category 1 - more than 2000 
  • Category 2 - 1000 to 2000 
  • Category 3 – less than 1000 

The categories of facilities by the possible property damage

  • Category 1 - more than 500 million rubles 
  • Category 2 – 5 to 500 million rubles
  • Category 3 – less than 5 million rubles

The authors of the document refer to the following possible terrorist threats:

  • Risk of capture 
  • Risk of explosion
  • Risk of exposure to hazardous substances
  • Information threats

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