Kyrgyzstan Authorities Plan on Installing Video Surveillance Systems at the Expense of Traffic Rules Violators

Kyrgyzstan Authorities Plan on Installing Video Surveillance Systems at the Expense of Traffic Rules Violators

09 декабря 2014, 10:21    413

2014-12-09 10:21:59

Interior Ministry of Kyrgyzstan has taken the initiative to make changes to the existing legislation. The ministry is planning to authorize direct collection of funds from traffic rules violators to a special account. The money from this account will be used to finance the "Safe City" project. Currently, the budget law of the republic prohibits such measures.

As part of the "Safe City" project, there are plans for installing automated surveillance systems of photo and video registration with recognition functions. According to various estimates, the cost of the country's first public-private partnership project is between 42 to 79 million dollars. The project will be implemented at the expense of an investor, who will be determined in the course of the competition. It is assumed that the money will be recovered through traffic violations fines.


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