Intelligent Transport System Will Cover All Federal Highways in Russia Before 2020

Intelligent Transport System Will Cover All Federal Highways in Russia Before 2020

11 декабря 2014, 10:38    541

2014-12-11 10:38:25

Federal highways will become safer due to the implementation of intelligent transport system (ITS). Russian Ministry of Transport and Rosavtodor have already started to work on the changes to road traffic legislation. Innovations will allow to prescribe requirements for the use of IT-technologies and road  monitoring systems in all kinds of construction projects.

ITS will include:

  • automated system of collision detection
  • emergency situations notification system
  • automated systems of meteorological support,
  • systems and social services for real-time monitoring of road conditions, available ITS services, roadside services, and parking sites.

There are plans for integrating the ITS with passenger notification technologies and with a variety of multi-service platforms for transport chains optimization.

It is expected that by 2014 the number of surveillance cameras on federal highways will be significantly increased - more than 250 new video surveillance outposts. There are also plans for increasing the number of weather stations by 239. According to road workers, additional 480 meteorological complexes will be installed before 2020 – this will cover the entire federal road network with meteorological control system.

Introduction of ITS will increase the efficiency of cargo and passenger transportation, public services will be able to save a lot of money on fuel consumption, as the work of contractors will be coordinated in accordance with the situation on the roads.

The ITS project has been successfully implemented for Sochi, St. Petersburg Ring Road and St.Petersburg-Helsinki transit corridor.


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