Huawei Will Supply Equipment for the "Safe City" Project in Irkutsk Region

Huawei Will Supply Equipment for the "Safe City" Project in Irkutsk Region

19 ноября 2014, 12:57    510

2014-11-19 12:57:26

Sergei Eroschenko, governor of the Irkutsk region, and Chong Zhao, CEO of EBG Huwawei, recently had a business meeting. During the talks, the leaders had time to talk about the prospects for cooperation in the field of IT. It is reported that Huawei is able to provide the necessary equipment for the "Safe City" of the region and for the development of mobile services.

Chong Zhao said that information and communication technologies have become the main growth factor for a variety of manufacturing industries.

In the course of bilateral negotiations, the sides arranged on the signing of memorandum of cooperation. All necessary papers are to be signed at the end of this month, on November 26-27, during the Day of the Irkutsk Region event in the capital of China.

Sergei Eroschenko hopes that it will be comfortable for the company to operate in the Irkutsk region. It is noted: relations with China are developing rapidly, the countries cooperate at various levels - all this in pursuit of one goal - to speed up the process of mutual investments.


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