GLONASS Will Automatically Register Road Traffic Accidents

GLONASS Will Automatically Register Road Traffic Accidents

06 октября 2014, 09:53    342

2014-10-06 09:53:35

GLONASS will become the base for a system of automatic road traffic accidents registration. Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed the corresponding resolution. 

According to the official post on the Government website, this decision will expand the use of “ERA-GLONASS” infrastructure. The system will be used as a technological basis for automatic registration of collisions and other road accidents. 

The document also covers the establishment of requirements for the technical control means (TCM), which provide photo and video materials. Thus, TCM devices must meet the following criteria: 

Provision of registration data on the circumstances of vehicle damage in a traffic accident (date and time of photo and video recording, coordinates of a TCM device) 

The coordinates of a TCM device must be determined with the use of GLONASS navigation tools or other global satellite navigation systems. 

A TCM device using GLONASS navigation tools or GLONASS together with other global satellite navigation systems must comply with technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of wheeled vehicles".

A transitional period for the implementation of technical feasibility of registering the new system of parameters mandatory for insurance is being set prior to January 1, 2016.


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