The First Satellite Manufactured Entirely in Russia Will Appear in 2019

The First Satellite Manufactured Entirely in Russia Will Appear in 2019

15 июля 2014, 13:07    569

2014-07-15 13:07:49

"Russian electronics" Holding Company ("Ruselectronics", part of State Corporation Rostec) and Federal Space Agency Roscosmos plan to ensure that 90% of the electronics used for space projects will be complemented with parts manufactured in Russia. The information was reported to the "Russian News Service" by Andrei Zverev, Chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of Industry of the Russian Federation, Member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation and CEO of "Ruselectronics".

According to Zverev, "Ruselectronics" has already started to work on several projects in development and production of microchips and microelectronic elements. 

Andrei Zverev also said that the first satellite manufactured entirely with components produced in Russia should appear by 2019: "By 2019, we will construct a native Russian satellite, able to maintain its flight for 15 years." 

Such measures were taken against the unstable political situation in the world arena, which has developed since the Crimean Peninsula joined the Russian Federation. In particular, this April, the U.S. space agency NASA announced that it is going to stop cooperating with Russia as a sign of protest against the policy of Russian authorities concerning Ukraine and Crimea. 

As reported by the news agency RIA "Novosti", NASA employees were forbidden any journeys to Russia without special instructions; NASA employees are not allowed to maintain correspondence and teleconferences with partners from Russia, as well as to have meetings with Russian partners at various international events. 

However, these prohibitions did not touch partnerships with Roscosmos and joint missions to the International Space Station (ISS). In the near future, however, the U.S. agency plans to end its dependence on the services of Russian "Soyuz" rockets, which currently carry the U.S. astronauts to the space station. According to Associated Press news agency, sending one astronaut to the ISS via "Soyuz" costs the country 71 million dollars. The existing contract is valid until 2017.


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