Fire Safety Industry Experts Meet at a Round Table in MFC-112

Fire Safety Industry Experts Meet at a Round Table in MFC-112

03 октября 2014, 09:18    372

2014-10-03 09:18:53

Fire safety industry specialists gathered in Moscow to discuss issues concerning the competiveness of enterprises under the conditions of price wars. The round table was hosted by the multifunctional center of complex security MFC-112. Heads of commercial departments and development directors of fire safety industry enterprises of Moscow and Moscow Region attended the discussion. 

The agenda of the meeting held a number of questions: 

  • Analysis of current trends in the development of industry’s enterprises 
  • Identification of key challenges and risks in the work of enterprises 
  • Discussion of new formats of communication with the client 

Three major reports were presented in the course of the event: 

Oleg Silin, Chairman of the executive committee of the national industrial association of employers “Federal Chamber of Fire Safety and Rescue Industry” - "Tools of Enterprise Promotion on the Market of Fire Safety and Rescue Industry under the Conditions of a Downward Price Spiral". 

Alexander Maslov, Executive Director of LLC "Tinko" - "Methods of Promotion of Technical Security Equipment in Russia at the Beginning of the 21st Century". 

Vladimir Omelchenko, Executive Director of LLC "Pulse-Pozhstroy Engineering" - "Research and Production Association “Pulse” Product Promotion Practice. Working With Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations". 

Igor Maltsev, Executive Director of MFC-112 did a presentation on the center’s functionality. 

According to participants, the round table format was a successful choice for discussing competitiveness of companies. In his interview with RUBEZH magazine, Alexander Maslov said: “This event gave me the most pleasant impressions. In the future we will be seriously considering our participation in the MFC-112 expo.”

Vladimir Omelchenko also noted major practical benefits of the event: "The main advantage is that this event is attended by target audiences, specific persons of our industry. This ensures the effectiveness of the event. Therefore, we will continue to support MFC." 

"We were cooperating with MFC for many years, and we are one of their first partners. It was great to meet both trusted colleagues and new people. Questions of the discussion were very relevant: what hinders the companies, what are the general problems of the industry, how to deal with the problem of counterfeit goods, "- said Eugenia Kolesnyak, Executive Director of LLC "ACC". 

According to Dmitry Ozersky, head of research and production enterprise "Univest", organizers managed to gather experts and company leaders who can freely express their work plans and share experience with others. 

At the close of the event, Victoria Shukhat, Project Manager of "Training Center MFC-112" asked the audience to give recommendations for future cooperation and topics for discussion.

Источник: RUBEZH

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