Federal Security Service Will Require Certification of Transport Technical Security Means

Federal Security Service Will Require Certification of Transport Technical Security Means

05 августа 2014, 08:59    466

2014-08-05 08:59:13

Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation presented a draft law, which specifies the requirements towards technical security means for transport. 

The draft law "On Requirements of Functional Properties of Transport Security Means and Order of Certification" is posted on a unified information portal regulation.gov.ru. 

According to the project, certification of all kinds of technical security means will be carried out by bodies such as: 

1. Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation - in terms of means of inspection, including technical means of radio signal suppression and blast isolation, and intelligent video surveillance; 

2. Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation - in terms of access control systems, alert systems, video surveillance, and means of audio and video recording; 

3. Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation - concerning technical means of warning and notification; 

4. Federal Communications Agency - in terms of communication, information receiving and transmitting; 

5. Ministry of Transportation - in terms of systems of data collection and processing. 

Following the adoption of the law, the listed agencies and ministries will be given a period of six months to bring their own regulations in compliance with the new resolution. Within 12 months, the agencies and ministries will be required to define the terms of certification, create lists of equipment eligible for use in transport infrastructure, and develop methods of evaluation of such equipment. 

It is assumed that Ministry of Emergency Situations, Federal Security Service, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Transport and Federal Communications Agency will conduct testing of equipment for subsequent certification on their own and with the help of testing laboratories that will be granted the right to carry out certification. The ministries already have the relevant departments responsible for certification of equipment: Research Center “Security” and Scientific Development and Production Center “STiS” of The Ministry of Internal Affairs, The All-Russian Research Institute for Fire Protection of The Ministry of Emergency Situations and The Licensing, Certification and National Security Information Center of The Federal Security Service. You can read more about certification of equipment in latest issue of RUBEZH magazine dedicated to state procurements. 

The draft law on certification of means of security for transport and transport infrastructure includes three schemes of the procedure. 

  • Certification of individual equipment samples (the document is issued only to individual samples of equipment for which the certification was requested); 
  • Certification of equipment batches (the document is issued to entire batches of equipment); 
  • Certification of serial production (document is issued for three years). 

During the duration of serial production certificate, corresponding bodies carry out scheduled inspections coordinated with manufacturers. 

It is noteworthy that manufacturers of security systems will have to go to certain expense in order to obtain certification. Thus, The Ministry of Emergency Situations sets a fee of 31 thousand rubles for confirmation of product compliance with fire safety requirements, excluding the cost of tests and a fee of 10 thousand rubles for inspections. The cost of testing depends on labor intensity. The Federal Security Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs calculate the cost of certification individually for each case. Different companies working on the market of technical security equipment report that the price may begin from 40 to 60 thousand rubles. Moreover, representatives of The Federal Security Service said that the process of certification can take anywhere from a few weeks to a year or more (read more on this in the latest issue of the magazine). 

In case any inconsistencies are revealed during scheduled inspections, the certificate will be suspended for one month. If inconsistencies are not corrected during this period - the certificate will be revoked, and information on cancellation will be published on the certificating authority website and in specialized publications within 10 days.

Источник: regulation.gov.ru

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