Expert Community Approves the Project of Future Customs Union Technical Regulations

Expert Community Approves the Project of Future Customs Union Technical Regulations

14 октября 2014, 10:45    362

2014-10-14 10:45:21

Member countries of the Customs Union are preparing a project of technical regulations "On the requirements for fire safety and firefighting equipment". The document establishes a unified set of requirements for the corresponding equipment on the territory of the Customs Union. Until November 10, the document will be under discussion, after its approval, new rules will come into force within 18 months. 

Following the approving decision, the set of regulations will be a mandatory document and can have a major impact on national legislation and fire safety systems in the Customs Union member countries. 

Some of the objectives pursued by the law: 

  • protection of life and health, property and environment from fires; 
  • prevention of actions that may mislead consumers regarding the information on fire safety products; 
  • establishment of common requirements for fire safety and firefighting equipment; 
  • establishment of a unified set of requirements for fire safety and firefighting equipment; 
  • establishment of a unified set of requirements for fire safety and firefighting equipment mandatory on the territory of the Customs Union, provision of free movement of fire safety and firefighting products manufactured on the territory of the Customs Union.

In his commentary to RUBEZH magazine, Alexei Leykhner, development director of "Pozhtekhnika", shared his thoughts on the upcoming law. Leykhner said that the law will have positive effects on the Russian market; all manufacturers have long been waiting for this. Russia, together with partner countries, is definitely ready for modernization in the system of fire safety and firefighting equipment. 

Considering the possible positive or negative aspects that can be introduced by the adoption of new regulations, Leykhner noted the following: "The positive side is obvious: any kind of unification (technical or regulatory) will bring together the consumer market participants of the union. It will be much easier to work, since we are talking about a single space, albeit artificially separated some time ago."

Possible negative aspects are very subjective. Small retail companies may experience difficulties, since the law will introduce competition for them. "Those companies have grown accustomed to working in “greenhouse” conditions – in an artificial environment without any real competition. But it should also motivate such companies to increase their performance and expand their business outlook. So, on the one hand - this is a subjective inconvenience for small companies, and from the point of view of the whole sector – this law actually brings good things for everyone "- sums up Alexei Leykhner.


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