Electronic Face Recognition Masks Are Being Tested in Detention Centers of Moscow

Electronic Face Recognition Masks Are Being Tested in Detention Centers of Moscow

29 августа 2014, 13:07    462

2014-08-29 13:07:33

State of the art 3D face recognition system is being tested in pre-trial detention centers of Moscow. The technology constructs electronic face masks and therefore makes substitution of inmates impossible, reports Valery Boyarinov, head of the administration of prisons and detention centers operation organization of The Federal Penitentiary Service.

The unique technology complemented the already existing biometric system based on video cameras capable of recognizing a person by fingerprints and facial features. 

Federal Penitentiary Service plans to equip every detention center in the capital with integrated security systems by the end of 2015. For this purpose, the service is purchasing CCTV complexes and laser sensors with signaling lights and audio alarm, which is triggered in the event of crossing a restricted area by a trespasser.


Источник: rusplt.ru

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