Crimea Will Be Granted a Derogation of the Procurement Law until 2015

Crimea Will Be Granted a Derogation of the Procurement Law until 2015

16 сентября 2014, 16:46    439

2014-09-16 16:46:33

A transition period in the work of 44-FZ Federal Law "On the contract system of procurement of goods, works and services for state and municipal needs" will be set for customers engaged in procurement activities in the Crimean state sector. A corresponding document was released on the official information disclosure portal.

According to the draft law, prepared by the Ministry of Economic Development, the 44-FZ Federal Law will not apply to public procurement activities in the Republic of Crimea and city of Sevastopol until January 1, 2016. 

The draft law’s memorandum states that the transition period in the region is determined by the necessity of carrying out a number of activities related to personnel training and preparation of the technical component before applying the 44-FZ Federal Law in the region. Thus, contract service workers are required to obtain a higher education or a secondary vocational education in the field of procurement, procurement committees should include experts with relevant expertise in the area. 

In order to use the official portal customers must obtain an electronic signature from the Federal Treasury, and potential state sector suppliers should get a signature from an accredited certifying center. The memorandum states that the persons receiving electronic signatures are required to have a passport of the Russian Federation, a Russian taxpayer identification number and a personal pension account number. 

The authors of the draft law draw attention to the fact that the Crimean state sector has a low level of integration into the Russian segment of the Internet. 

These factors, according to experts, necessitate the introduction of a transition period in the region.


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