Crash Test Confirms Efficiency of "ERA-GLONASS" Terminals

Crash Test Confirms Efficiency of "ERA-GLONASS" Terminals

02 сентября 2014, 16:10    482

2014-09-02 16:10:09

M1-category vehicles equipped with “ERA-GLONASS” terminals successfully passed the first crash-test session. 

Certification tests of vehicles for compliance with technical regulations TR CU 018/2011 for automatic triggering of terminals in the event of frontal collision were conducted in “NAMI” Testing Center. After a frontal deformable barrier impact at a speed of 56 km/h, two “ERA-GLONASS” terminals installed in the vehicle successfully sent data on location, time and nature of the accident to the diagnostic subsystem. 

Eugene Meilikhov, deputy head of the project’s development office, believes that successful passing of the crash-test is a significant event for the entire "ERA-GLONASS" project, as it proves the readiness of car manufacturers to conduct certification testing of vehicles equipped with terminals. 

New federal law “On State Automated Information System “ERA-GLONASS” is active on the territory of the Russian Federation since January 1, 2014. The system can gather and process information about accidents, and send the data to corresponding law enforcement agencies. Information stored in the system can also be used by emergency services and owners of vehicles equipped with "ERA-GLONASS" sensors. Beginning with 2017, installation of sensors will become mandatory for all newly manufactured vehicles. Additionally, new commercial services based on the system will be created. 

Emergency alert system "ERA-GLONASS" will be operated by state JSC “GLONASS” which will be formed by the end of 2014. By the 4th quarter of this year, the government will decide what government agency will control the JSC; the company itself will start in the beginning of the next year.



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