Courts in Kazakhstan Will Classify DVR Recordings as Official Evidence In 2015

Courts in Kazakhstan Will Classify DVR Recordings as Official Evidence In 2015

05 декабря 2014, 11:16    509

2014-12-05 11:16:35

Beginning with January 1 2015, DVR recordings will be classified as official evidence in Kazakshtan courts of law. The corresponding amendments were introduced by the code "On Administrative Offences".

Currently, such case issues are addressed separately for each trial. The innovation will primarily affect the process of consideration of traffic accidents circumstances.

The possibility to revise court decisions, which have entered into legal force, in connection with emerging circumstances, is also noteworthy. Road disputes that took place without witnesses, but were recorded on DVRs may be revised now. Police officers will be able to draw up a protocol, submit the case to the court, which, in turn, will make a new decision in connection with the new details of the case.


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