Cisco Plans To Release Solutions Developed In Association With The Russian Academy Of Sciences

Cisco Plans To Release Solutions Developed In Association With The Russian Academy Of Sciences

04 августа 2014, 08:54    467

2014-08-04 08:54:13

American company Cisco plans to release a number of solutions that are currently being developed in association with Experimental Factory Of Scientific Engineering And Special Design Department Of Russian Academy Of Sciences (Federal State Unitary Enterprise EZAN).

Alexander Palladin, Head of Cisco Press Service in Russia told RUBEZH magazine that the companies were working together for the last several months already and soon the partners intend to release the finished product on the market. The exact release date is yet to be announced by Cisco: "Not everything depends on us, it is necessary to account for a number of external factors, but we expect that the release will happen very soon," - says Alexander Palladin. 

Cisco was working with EZAN on three projects: a complex of technical means of security, integrated solution for mining industry, and IP-telephony devices. 

The first project is built on a single platform with modular architecture and is designed to record video 24 hours a day, broadcast video feed in real time and transmit emergency signals in corresponding cases. The complex can store data for 30 days, and can transfer Information via communication channels on request or by an emergency trigger. The system is designed to operate in harsh environmental conditions and during frequent temperature changes. 

Solution for mining industry is being developed to ensure safety of miners by means of personnel movement monitoring and management and early detection of gas leaks. The system will also monitor medical status of workers and will track process of evacuation in case of accidents and emergencies. 

Management of personnel working in mines is accomplished by using special Wi-Fi-labels attached to clothing. This solution may also be applied to other indoor and outdoor environments. 

Another joint project of Cisco and EZAN is the development of IP-telephony devices. Technological component of telephones will be developed to suit the requirements of corporate businesses. According to Cisco, new devices will support videoconferencing, organization of collective work sessions and a variety of applications for Cisco unified communications system.

Источник: materials provided by Cisco

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