BioSmart Develops New Biometric System of Working Hours Tracking

BioSmart Develops New Biometric System of Working Hours Tracking

26 ноября 2014, 17:49    459

2014-11-26 17:49:16

BioSmart company offers a new way to monitor work efficiency of employees – new Biometric time management system should optimize labor costs and improve morale. Employers will not pay extra for late attendance, leaving work early, long smoke breaks and lunches. It is reported that the system repays itself within 3 months of operation.

BioSmart Sales specialist Andrei Magosumov explained to RUBEZH magazine that there are many alternatives to the device, both of foreign and domestic manufacture, but based on foreign components. "Our development has a number of advantages, we provide extended 5-year warranty and stand as a fully domestic manufacturer. We have our own developers, therefore we have unique Russian-language software and support. The current price of the equipment is 22000 rubles," - says Magosumov.

The system tracks working hours of employees by fingerprints or electronic cards and is fully automated. The employer will know exactly how much time employees spend on their workplaces.

"Such systems are common in Russia. They are used in a number of activity spheres. In offices, banks, hospitals, pharmacies, various industrial and food businesses, educational institutions, law enforcement agencies - penal colonies, prisons, etc. All these enterprises use working time tracking to optimize their performance.

BioSmart equipment is installed in the Central Bank of The Russian Federation, in a network of large grocery stores, in various sensitive facilities, in penal colonies, on railway checkpoints, in airports and bus depots,"- sums up Magosumov.

Источник: RUBEZH

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