AVTech Obtains Certification on the Territory of the Customs Union

AVTech Obtains Certification on the Territory of the Customs Union

19 декабря 2014, 16:53    587

2014-12-19 16:53:53

Equipment by AVTech - a leading manufacturer of cameras and video recorders from Taiwan – has been officially certified in accordance with the requirements of technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of low-voltage equipment" and "On electromagnetic compatibility of hardware". Certificates were issued to the official AVTech distributor - LLC “KSB”.

Such documentation is necessary to qualify sales of products on the territory of the Customs Union. As of today, certification is necessary in three countries forming a single customs territory: Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. In the coming year, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia will join the union, transforming it into the Eurasian Economic Union. Certificates that has already been issued will remain in force on the territory of the new union.

Certification opens the way for AVTech products to the markets of the union states. In this regard, Russian headquarters of the Taiwanese company expects to see an increase in sales.

Источник: avtech.su

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