Attendance of the Exhibition “Safety Centre. Engineering Safety-2014” in Minsk Exceeds Expectations

Attendance of the Exhibition “Safety Centre. Engineering Safety-2014” in Minsk Exceeds Expectations

09 июня 2014, 15:33    433

2014-06-09 15:33:08

Second national exhibition-forum “Safety Centre. Engineering Safety-2014” opened in the city of Minsk on June 4. The exhibition is closing on June 5. The event is dedicated to presentation of modern technologies and safety products and is held on the premises of the National Exhibition Centre “BelExpo”.

Such organizations as the Security Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus, and the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus are taking part in the business programme of the exhibition.

Exhibition topics:

  • Technical devices and security systems;
  • Fire alarm systems and automatic equipment;
  • Notification systems and communication networks;
  • Closed circuit television systems and surveillance systems;
  • Control and access management systems;
  • Antiterrorist and screening equipment;
  • Complex security systems;
  • Engineering security devices;
  • Banking equipment.

RUBEZH magazine is taking part in this key event for the Belorussian industry. According to Mr Sergey Dragun, publisher of the “Security Technologies” magazine (event organizer), during the first day of the exhibition the number of people, who attended the event, exceeded the organizers’ expectations. The conference halls are crowded with people willing to take part in the seminars. See photo report from the exhibition opening. 

Opening ceremony of the Exhibition “Safety Centre. Engineering Safety-2014”

Exhibition sponsor – Hikvision company. Event organizer, editor-in-chief of “Security Technologies” magazine Mr Sergey Dragun (photo, right)

Demo-zone: IP-video surveillance 


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