Arecont Vision Presented Low-Light Video Surveillance Technology

Arecont Vision Presented Low-Light Video Surveillance Technology

14 января 2015, 10:47    557

2015-01-14 10:47:15

Arecont Vision presented a new low-light surveillance architecture STELLAR. The solution was developed specifically for use in low-light video surveillance systems.  

According to the manufacturer, new equipment can record color video in very dark conditions, and monochrome image can be obtained in almost complete absence of light.

The solution features patented video processing algorithms and advanced optical technology, which achieves higher equipment sensitivity and performance, and reduces blur when recording moving subjects. According to the manufacturer, the latter feature is especially useful for security services.

The first line of STELLAR IP-cameras was named MegaDome2. The price for AV1255PMIR-SH camera with the new technology varies from 1083 to 1204 dollars.


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