All Tramcars in Barnaul Will Be Equipped With SONY Video Cameras

All Tramcars in Barnaul Will Be Equipped With SONY Video Cameras

01 декабря 2014, 09:06    547

2014-12-01 09:06:03

More than 50 tramcars in Barnaul were equipped with video surveillance systems. Before the end of the year, it is planned to install video cameras in every electric transport unit of the city. The work will be carried out in phases. The cost of all cameras amounted to just over 10 million rubles. RUBEZH magazine learned that tramcars were equipped with SONY GT-DW700IR cameras and “ORBITA DVR - D2-4.0” devices. LLC "Navigation equipment plant" from Novosibirsk supplied the equipment.

Head of Public Relations Department of municipal unitary production enterprise "Gorelectrotrans" Olesya Cherskih told RUBEZH magazine that the company conducted installation individually. "At the moment, within the territorial law "On transport security" the company installs video surveillance systems for its rolling stock. Each tramcar and trolleybus will have 4 cameras - 3 facing the entrance and 1 facing the road. All work is being carried out at the expense of the company; there are plans for installing cameras for the entire fleet - more than 200 units of electric transport."

"Installation of cameras provides additional opportunities for passenger traffic control; we monitor the workload of specific routes, analyze the data, make conclusions and identify law offenders. Video surveillance helps us to provide additional security for passengers and employees. Public transport is always vulnerable to various incidents – we had cases of fare inspectors getting robbed, sometimes passengers fight each other. We hope that video surveillance will help us fight these issues. We already have proofs that camera presence brings positive results. We can monitor events in real-time."

Cherskih also noted that it is difficult to determine the specific reaction of passengers, but people notice the cameras. As of yet, the company had not received any complaints or registered any cases of vandalism.


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